
Reflection by Galileo Danni Mauricio Flores

I believe that we, as people with morals, have the power to help improve our planet, as it is colloquially said "contributing a grain of sand". Now, one of the great advantages that would be obtained by becoming aware of the care of the planet Earth, is the reduction of global warming, so that the poles will no longer continue to melt, causing there to be no more serious climatic changes, which Currently we have been observing and they have caused us so much damage.  But to get here, it is very necessary and recommendable that these issues be discussed very seriously and in detail in our schools, mainly from when we are children since from here the future citizen is formed, it is very good that campaigns are carried out to inform the population about these issues, however it is unfortunate but true that an adult person does not become more deeply aware as a child would, since from here the formation of a good citizen begins. I also recommend that these topics continue to be t